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20 October 2009

The contract in project management with representation of a leading European furniture producer – Wiesner Hager company in Ukraine, which is the partner and supplier of complex of services, connected with arrangement of a new office for the company Siemens, was signed. Within the limits of the given project, specialists of our company will be given once again possibility to prove their professionalism in the market of commercial real estate of Ukraine.


Our congratulations with New 2012 Year and Christmas!

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Dear Customers. Please, pay attention that our Seattle branch's phone number was changed.

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Board of Directors of RICH ISLE's companies group was held in New York (USA).

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We are glad to present to you a new chapter on our website - "articles and publications", placed in the section "collaboration".

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Striking the balance of the previous year, group of RICH ISLE's companies thanks all clients and partners for the affective co-operation!

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